Porcelain Disc Insulators from Japan

NGK Porcelain Insulator

NGK INSULATORS, LTD. was built to help Japan modernize by meeting the growing demand for electricity.
NGK’s insulators have been imported to Australia before the World War II and supported the Australian booming economy in the 1980s.

◀A piece of the insulator that sparked the foundation of NGK Insulators.
▶Workers in the early days
▶The first tunnel kiln at company headquarters.

NGK Polymer Insulator

NGK-Locke Inc. started its operation and commercial shipment in the East Coast of United States.
In 1996, the first NGK’s polymer insulators were supplied in Australian 500kV Transmission Line.
▶Horizontal Vee equipped in 275kV T/L in New South Wales

Porcelain and Polymer
Both technologies contribute to Australian High Voltage Power Transmission for dacades.
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